Eitr leysa
Eitr leysa

eitr leysa

fulfilment of a promise (raun mun eptir fara um efndir).Įfni, n.

eitr leysa

scarcity, want, or shortness of means.Įfnd, f. til vetrsetu, veizlu kaupstaðar).Įfna-fæð, f., -leysi, n., -skortr, m. to prepare, make arrangements for a thing (e. orð sín, sætt, heit) refl., efnast, to turn out in a certain way (efndist þat ok vel þat efnist opt illa).Įfna ( að), v. (1) strengthening, increase in strength (2) aid, support.Įfna ( -da, -dr), v. undoubtedly, without doubt (eflaust má hann þat vita).Įfling, f. við e-n, to marry into one’s family, = mægjast.Įf-laust, adv. til ríkis, to win a kingdom (by force of arms) poet., e. at brullaupi, to hold a wedding (4) to be able (sem vér eflum ok orkum) (5) refl., eflast, to grow strong (hann fann, at mótstöðumenn hans efldust) e. e-n til rangs máls, to help one in an unjust cause (3) to perform e. e-n, to support, aid (efldi Dofri hann síðan til ríkis í Noregi) e. her (lið) á hendr e-m, to raise troops against one e. at nýju Danavirki, they restored the Danish wall (2) to found, raise (e.

eitr leysa

(1) to strengthen structurally, to reinforce (e. doubtful case (in law).Įfla ( -da, -dr), v. (1) doubt (án -semd) (2) ambiguity (-semd andsvarsins) -sök, f. (1) doubtful (2) hesitating, irresolute (3) uncertain (efanligt er mannsins eðli).Įfa-samliga, adv. doubtfulness -leikr sagnar, ambiguity of expression -ligr, a. without doubt, certainly.Įfanar-lauss, a. doubtfulness, uncertainty.Įfa-lausliga, adv. e-s, to change one’s mind in a matter.Įfað-samligr, a. um e-t, to doubt about a thing refl., efast í e-u, to hesitate in, be in doubt e. doubt ef er á e-u, it is doubtful ekki er til efs, at, it cannot be doubted that útan ef, without doubt.Įfa or ifa ( að), v. vega þú gakk, ef vreiðr séir (sér), if thou be wroth (2) = hvárt, if, whether (Egill spurði, ef hann vildi upp ór gröfinni) (3) as a relat. (1) if, in case (aldri hefðir þú í borgina komit, ef ek hefða vitat) in poetry generally with subj. native intelligence.Įf (older form if), conj. natural condition or quality -skynsemd, f. (1) nature manns e., mannligt e., human nature arnar e., the eagle’s nature þat er í móti náttúrligu e., it is against the order of nature (2) origin, extraction (hann var valskr at ætt ok e.) (3) fœtus (þótti henni kviknat hafa e. (1) great-grandmother (2) the name of the book Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson, c. vandræðaskáld?) (5) sometimes after a negation, = né, nor (þeir munu hvárki fyrir sjá fé sínu eða fjörvi).Įdda, f. konungr, eða nökkuru betri) (4) introducing a question, but (ek beiti Auðgisl, - eða ertu H. Eða or eðr, conj., (1) or fyrr eða siðar, sooner or later annathvárt … eða, either … or hvárt … eða, whether (if) … or hvart er … eða, whether … or (2) in comparison of two unlike things, and (mikinn mun eigum vér at gera þin eða annarra heimamanna) (3) after a comparative, and perhaps (ek em eigi verri riddari en S.

Eitr leysa